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Three Colorado businesses win EPA research contracts

Release Date: 05/01/2007
Contact Information: Frank Montarelli, 303-312-6780, [email protected]

Phase II contracts total $675,000

    (Denver, Colo, May 1, 2007) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is awarding three Phase II contracts to Colorado businesses through its Small Business Innovation Research program. Each company will receive $225,000.

    PolyNew, Inc. of Golden: The purpose of this multi-phase SBIR research project is to develop and commercialize next-generation bioplastics using nanotechnology to address ecological concerns. EPA expects the resulting “green” plastics to compete on a price and performance basis. Because of the commercialization potential of the nanotechnology, a commercialization agreement with the $4 billion in multinational sales Sealed Air Corp. will provide rapid commercialization if the technical milestones of this Phase II project are met.

    TDA Research, Inc. of Wheat Ridge: TDA proposes to develop a low-cost, high-capacity sorbent that will directly remove organic sulfur from gasoline blend stocks, producing a fuel that meets the 30 parts per million sulfur specification for gasoline. This TDA technology, by reducing the emissions of environmental pollutants, would supply U.S. refineries with a cost-effective sulfur removal technology that help them to meet the EPA requirements.

    Eltron Research, Inc. of Boulder: Polychlorinate biphenyls, commonly known as PCBs, remain a significant environmental threat even though manufacturing of PCBs was discontinued 30 years ago. Eltron is developing a portable real-time sensor that can be used on-site to not only identify which PCBs are present but also quantify PCB concentration. A global market of $119 million is anticipated for this type of instrument by 2009.

    If you need more information about SBIR, you can find it at For information about the Phase I solicitation, which is still open, go to Information on the Phase II awards can be found at