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Statement by EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson on Passing of Former EPA Administrator Russell E. Train

Release Date: 09/17/2012
Contact Information: [email protected]

My EPA colleagues and I were sad to learn about the passing of former EPA Administrator Russell E. Train, and the thoughts and prayers of the entire agency are with his family, friends and loved ones today. Russell Train’s life and work were dedicated to protecting American families and communities from pollution and environmental threats, and his leadership helped set the path for the ongoing work of the EPA. His years with the agency saw landmark environmental achievements whose impacts are still felt, like the passage of the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the initial implementation of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System that protects our nation’s waters. He helped pave the way for gas mileage improvements and the adoption of the catalytic converter, and engaged the American people in ensuring the health of the places where we live and work. As a dedicated public servant, he always rose above partisan politics, and remained a respected and vocal supporter of conservation and environmental protection into the last years of his life. I was proud to count him as a friend, and I will continue to work to honor his remarkable legacy.