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Southwest Oregon Watershed Councils Receive Grants

Release Date: 7/24/1997
Contact Information: Michael Rylko
[email protected]
(206) 553-4014 or 1-800-424-4372 from AK, ID, OR and WA

July 24, 1997 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 97-50


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today two communities in Southern Oregon will receive grant money to support community based watershed protection.  The Rogue and Umpqua Watershed Councils will receive a total of $135,000 through the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to support watershed monitoring, training, and technical support.
The watershed councils, both located in southwestern Oregon, are citizen based groups who participate in the planning and management of their local water basins.  The work that these watershed councils do to protect the lands and waters around their communities is vital to the health of the environment, said Chuck Clarke, EPA’s Northwest Regional Administrator.  We will continue to support groups like the Rogue and Umpqua Watershed Councils in any way we can.

Both watershed councils will utilize the money for watershed assessment and monitoring, training of the council members, and improved computer software and hardware.  They will also develop a Guide for Developing Water Quality Management Plans.  The guide will be useful to other similar councils around the state.

This grant follows $1.35 million previously awarded to DEQ for their Non-point Source Pollution Management Program.  EPA’s grant, combined with local and state matching funds, brings the total statewide 1997 effort to nearly $2.5 million.