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New Video Asks Question: Could Pollution be Making Kids Sick?

Release Date: 09/17/2003
Contact Information:

Wanda Loving 202-564-7822 / [email protected]

(09/17/03) The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) has produced a new video which investigates the policy implications of childhood susceptibility to environmental hazards. This new NCSL video, “Children’s Health and the Environment: An Introduction for State Policymakers,” was developed under a cooperative agreement with EPA to provide state legislators and their staff with basic information about children’s environmental health. The 18-minute video examines such topics as: rising rates of childhood diseases, such as asthma and developmental disabilities, environmental factors such as mercury, pesticides and air pollution, and whether these contaminates contribute to increases in childhood disease and examples of state policies. The video can be viewed online at: or to obtain a copy, call 303-856-1341 or go to: .