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U.S. EPA and Congressman Royce, honor Continuous Coating Corp. for slashing 70,000 pounds of lead from their facility

Release Date: 05/27/2009
Contact Information: Francisco Arcaute, (213) 244-1815, cell (213) 798-1404 [email protected]

Exposure to lead causes learning disabilities and hearing impairment

(05/27/09) LOS ANGELES - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Congressman Ed Royce today honored Orange, Calif.-based Continuous Coating Corp. for removing 70,000 pounds of lead from their metallic electroplating and sheet metal manufacturing process.

At a ceremony held at Continuous Coating’s offices, EPA and Congressman Royce honored Kenneth Harel, general plant manager, and Grace Meda, environmental coordinator, with EPA’s National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) award in recognition of the removal of 70,000 pounds of lead by modifying their equipment, processes and by using less toxic raw materials.

“By using more environmentally forward manufacturing techniques and consuming less toxic raw materials, Continuous Coating Corp. has earned its NPEP Achievement Award,” said Steven John, Director of EPA’s Southern CA Field Office. “Any time you remove 70,000 pounds of lead, you reduce the potential for employee and surrounding community health issues.”

"I applaud Continuous Coating Corporation for their successful efforts and I am pleased to recognize today their commitment to promoting a clean and healthy environment for their surrounding community," said Congressman Royce.

Continuous Coating Corp. is a member of EPA’s NPEP, which is a voluntary partnership program focused on reducing the use of potentially hazardous priority chemicals from products and processes. The program’s goal is to work with industry and the public to reduce the use or release of four million pounds of priority chemicals by 2011.

Children under six years of age are among the most vulnerable to the harmful effects from lead-based paint and lead hazards, such as dust and contaminated soil. Lead poisoning can have serious, long-term consequences, including intelligence deficiencies, learning disabilities, hearing impairment, hyperactivity and/or behavioral problems.

For more information on EPA’s National Partnership for Environmental Priorities, please visit:
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