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Air Toxics Reductions from Municipal Waste Combustors Locked In

Release Date: 05/01/2006
Contact Information: John Millett, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(5/1/06) To ensure continued reductions in air toxics, EPA finalized a rule tightening emissions limits for large municipal waste combustors (MWCs). Large municipal waste combustors are trash incinerators that burn more than 250 tons a day of solid waste.

In 1995, EPA adopted emissions control requirements for large MWC units. These requirements were highly effective and reduced MWC emissions beyond what was required, including the reduction of:
· organic emissions (dioxin/furans) by more than 99 percent,
· metal emissions (mercury, cadmium, and lead) by more than 93 percent, and
· acid gas emissions (sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride) by more than 91 percent.
The final rule will ensure that high performance levels at MWCs are maintained. EPA is also finalizing several changes to the rules to simplify implementation.

To learn more about this action:

A fact sheet and copy of the final rule:

More information about large municipal waste combustors: