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Release Date: 02/01/2000
Contact Information: Amy Miller, EPA Press Office (617-918-1042)

BOSTON - A Riverton, Conn., furniture manufacturer has agreed to pay $6,000 and make $28,106 worth of environmental improvements to settle claims by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of improper management of hazardous waste and improper storage of oil.

In a consent agreement signed last week, Hitchcock Chair Co. agreed to conduct an assessment to determine the feasibility of reducing emissions and wastes resulting from its finishing operations and then to implement any pollution prevention methods identified as reasonable in the assessment.

Hitchcock manufactures and finishes furniture at its plant at 13 Riverton Road. During the finishing as well as the manufacturing process, the company generates hazardous wastes that are contained in varnishes, stains and strippers.

EPA New England filed an administrative action against Hitchcock in April 1999. Since then, the manufacturer has come into compliance with all federal requirements named in the complaint. The administrative action stemmed from a July 1997 inspection in which EPA inspectors found Hitchcock had stored hazardous waste without a permit for more than 90 days, in violation of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

In addition, inspectors found Hitchcock had failed to label and date hazardous waste, failed to conduct weekly inspections and failed to properly train employees who handle hazardous waste, all in violation of RCRA.

Inspectors found Hitchcock also failed to prepare a required Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan for its 10,0000-gallon above ground oil storage tank, in violation of the Clean Water Act.

"Hitchcock acted quickly and thoroughly to eliminate violations that could have hurt the environment and the public health," said Mindy S. Lubber, acting regional administrator for EPA New England. "We hope this action ensures Hitchcock will remain a responsible environmental partner."