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EPA Determines 99 Missouri Water Bodies Should Be Protected For Recreation

Release Date: 11/01/2006
Contact Information: Martin Kessler, (913) 551-7236, [email protected]

Environmental News

    (Kansas City, Kan., Nov. 1, 2006) – EPA has requested that Missouri reconsider its plans to leave 99 water bodies unprotected for recreational use in a letter to the state dated Oct. 31, 2006.

    Missouri designated about 3,600 stream segments and all of its lakes for recreational use in March 2006. This designation is associated with certain water quality standards that are protective of swimming, boating and wading. EPA views this action as a very positive step.

    For the 141 water bodies left without recreational use standards by Missouri, EPA has made a determination under the Clean Water Act that 99 of those water bodies should be protected for recreational uses, based on data and analyses submitted to EPA by the state and independently collected by EPA.

    This action identifies the need for Missouri or EPA to readdress the state’s decision regarding recreational use water quality standards for these waters.

    EPA and the Missouri Coalition for the Environment (MCE) entered into a joint settlement agreement in December 2004, which addressed Missouri’s failure to meet the goal of the Clean Water Act that waters should support recreation. This determination serves to satisfy the terms of the agreement.

    Following this determination, Missouri will have the opportunity to review its analyses and collect additional information to revise its water quality standards and resubmit them to EPA for approval.

    EPA recognizes Missouri’s continued work to meet the national goal of the Clean Water Act, ensuring the protection of the public, the environment, and the state’s valuable water resources. EPA also commends the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for its diligent work in preparation for the revisions to the recreational use designations.

    * Our Oct. 31 determination letter provides a more detailed description of EPA’s review and the basis for this action. To obtain an electronic copy of this decision letter, please contact Martin Kessler by phone or e-mail (see contact information above).

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