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Contest Hopes to Raise Environmental Awareness Theme: Celebrating 100th Anniversary of Rachel Carson

Release Date: 04/26/2007
Contact Information: Enesta Jones, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(4/26/07) EPA and non-profit organizations are teaming up for the third year to sponsor a contest designed to increase environmental stewardship and public awareness of environmental issues. This year, the theme is commemorating the 100th anniversary of environmentalist Rachel Carson's life.

It is an intergenerational photo, essay, and poetry contest that will be judged by the public. The contest's intergenerational approach reflects Carson's efforts through her writings to have adults share with children a sense of wonder about nature and help them discover its joys.

Entries must be joint projects involving a person under age 18 and a person 50 years of age or older and must be received by Friday, June 15. Finalists will be selected by a panel of judges. The public will then be asked to vote for their favorites in each category: photography, essay, and poetry. The winners will be announced in July. More information about the contest and its requirements is available on the Web.

Born on May 27, 1907, Carson is considered the founder of the contemporary environmental movement through her landmark book
, Silent Spring. Its publication is credited with causing a reversal in the nation's pesticide policy.

The contest is sponsored by the U.S. EPA Aging Initiative, Generations United and the Rachel Carson Council Inc.

More information about the contest: