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Public Availability Meeting Scheduled Thursday, Sept. 5, for Chicago Heights Boulevard Site in St. Louis County, Mo.

Release Date: 09/03/2013
Contact Information: Chris Whitley, 913-551-7394 (office), 816-518-2794 (cell), [email protected]

Environmental News


(Lenexa, Kan., Sept. 3, 2013) - EPA Region 7 will host a public availability meeting this week to share information about the most recent round of environmental sampling and future plans for investigation and cleanup of the Chicago Heights Boulevard Site in St. Louis County, Mo.

The meeting will be held from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 5, at the First Baptist Church of Elmwood Park, 1452 Dielman Road, St. Louis, Mo., 63132. EPA representatives will present information and will join representatives from other partner agencies, including health experts, to answer questions.

A primary focus of the meeting will be to share information about a recent round of sub-slab and indoor air sampling that was conducted at several residences in the Elmwood Park neighborhood.

The Chicago Heights Boulevard Site involves a contaminated groundwater plume located in an unincorporated area of north St. Louis County. At some time before 1988, an unknown quantity of the industrial chemical trichloroethylene (TCE) was released at an industrial property located at 9970 Page Avenue, just northwest of the Elmwood Park neighborhood, and traveled through the soil and into the groundwater. Since then, TCE and other contaminants have been detected in groundwater beneath the residential area of Elmwood Park, and TCE vapors have been detected at levels of concern in some of the residences situated adjacent to the industrial site.

PerkinElmer, Inc., which purchased the industrial property in 1988, has worked with EPA and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to identify the extent of the groundwater contamination plume at the site, and has installed vapor mitigation systems in homes where sampling found vapors at harmful levels. MDNR transferred regulatory oversight for the site to EPA Region 7 in September 2012. Since November 2012, PerkinElmer has been subject to an Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent that requires the company to perform various steps related to the investigation, mitigation and cleanup of the contamination.

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Learn more about EPA’s work at the Chicago Heights Boulevard Site

More about the site is available from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources

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