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EPA to Cut Toxic Emissions from Gasoline, Vehicles, and Portable Gas Containers

Release Date: 03/01/2006
Contact Information: John Millett, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected]

(Washington, D.C. - March 1, 2006) Toxic fumes from gasoline, vehicles and gas containers would drop significantly and further reduce health risks under proposed new emissions standards announced today by EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. By 2030 EPA's proposed Mobile Source Air Toxic (MSAT) regulations and fuel and vehicle standards already in place will reduce toxic emissions from passenger vehicles to 80 percent below 1999 emissions.

"America has a history of loving its cars," said EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson. "By cleaning up our fuels and vehicle exhaust, EPA is paving the road toward a cleaner environment and healthier drivers."

The MSAT proposal would set new benzene standards for gasoline, hydrocarbon emissions standards for passenger vehicles at cold temperatures and evaporative standards for fuel containers. Once the new standards are fully implemented in 2030, they are expected to reduce emissions of mobile source air toxics annually by 350,000 tons, including 65,000 tons of benzene. The estimated annual cost for the entire proposal would be $205 million. EPA estimates annual health benefits from the particulate matter reductions of the vehicle standards to total $6 billion in 2030.

Today's action would also harmonize federal and California evaporative emission standards for light duty vehicles.

The proposed MSAT standards would take effect in 2011 for fuel requirements, 2010 for passenger vehicles, and 2009 for fuel containers.

A 60-day comment period will begin when the proposal is published in the Federal Register.

The proposal, supporting documentation, and information about submitting comments: