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EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy To Travel To North Dakota To Discuss Energy Opportunities And The Environment

Release Date: 02/26/2014
Contact Information: [email protected]

WASHINGTON -- EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy will travel to North Dakota on Thursday and Friday to meet with tribal groups as well as local and state officials to discuss energy opportunities and EPA’s ongoing work in the state and across the country to carry out President Obama’s Climate Action plan.

In addition to meeting with tribal groups, McCarthy will also join North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp for a tour of the North Dakota Gasification Company’s facility in Beulah and participate in a roundtable discussion with local elected officials and representatives from coal utilities. McCarthy and Heitkamp will also hold press availability to discuss energy opportunities and local efforts to cut carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. The trip is part of Administrator McCarthy’s continued outreach to local, state and tribal officials on the Agency’s work to protect people’s health and the environment.

: Gina McCarthy, Administrator, U.S. EPA
Heidi Heitkamp, U.S. Senator, North Dakota
Jack Dalrymple, Governor, North Dakota (invited)

: Press Availability

WHEN: Friday, 2:15 p.m. MST, February 28, 2014

WHERE: North Dakota Gasification Company
420 County Road 26
Beulah, North Dakota 58523