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Exelon Generation Co. Settles Clean Air Act Violations at Philadelphia Plant
Release Date: 4/8/2003
Contact Information: Donna Heron, 215-814-5113
Donna Heron, 215-814-5113
PHILADELPHIA – Exelon Generation Co. LLC has agreed to pay a $20,000 penalty to settle an EPA complaint alleging Clean Air Act violations at Exelon’s Delaware Generating Station, located at 1325 N. Beach St., Philadelphia, Pa.
EPA cited the company for violating a requirement of its state-issued Clean Air Act permit designed to limit the opacity of emissions from the facility’s two larger boilers. Opacity is caused by particulate matter in the air emissions. Particulate pollution has been linked to asthma and other respiratory illnesses, increased mortality, and reduced visibility.
The Clean Air Act permit, which was issued by the City of Philadelphia, prohibited emissions from these stacks that exceeding 60 percent opacity at any time, or exceeding 20 percent for more than three minutes in any hour. An EPA inspector and opacity monitoring equipment documented that emissions from both stacks exceeded these limits on July 29, 2002.
As part of the settlement, the company has neither admitted nor denied the alleged violation.
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