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EPA Proposes Midnite Mine for NPL Inclusion

Release Date: 2/16/1999
Contact Information: Ellen Hale
[email protected]
(206) 553-1215

February 16, 1999 - - - - - - - - - - 99-6

For Immediate Release

EPA Proposes  Midnite Mine (Stevens County) For Inclusion on National Priorities List

To prevent further environmental harm from mine waste, contaminated ground water and surface water runoff from the Midnite Mine, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is proposing that the 811-acre site be included on the National Priorities List(NPL).  If added to the NPL, the site will be eligible for clean up under the federal       "Superfund" program.

The uranium mine is located on the Spokane Indian Reservation about eight miles from Wellpinit, Washington, in rural Stevens County.  Midnite Mine was developed and operated by Dawn Mining Company(DMC), a subsidiary of Midnite Mines, a publicly-held Delaware corporation. The majority interest in DMC is held by Newmont Mining Corporation, a U.S. mining conglomerate.

According to Tribal Attorney, Shannon Work, the Spokane tribe welcomes today’s  listing proposal.

"The Spokane Tribe is encouraged that after two decades of little progress, the United States is now taking positive steps toward cleaning up this legacy of the cold war era," Work said.

During mine operations, ore from the mine was transported off the Spokane Reservation to the DMC mill (25 miles east of the mine) in Ford, Washington. The operator ceased mining uranium ore in 1981.  All production from the mine has been from open pits.  Approximately 3 million tons of 0.2 percent uranium oxide ore, 2.5 million tons of low grade ore (protore), and approximately 33 million tons of waste rock were excavated from six pits.  There are several protore and waste rock piles found throughout the mine site. Two pits are still open and contain runoff and groundwater.  The other four pits have been back-filled with waste rock from the mine.

DMC started treating surface water in 1992 to control contaminated mine drainage. The resulting semi-solid sludge or filter cake (the solid product of mine water treatment)  is transported by truck to DMC's mill, where uranium is extracted. The by-product is then piped to the licensed, lined tailings disposal pond at the mill.

There is conclusive evidence, from previous samples taken by U.S. Bureau of Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey, that the seeps, groundwater and pit water are contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides.  Some surface water empties into Blue Creek which eventually enters Roosevelt Lake.  Contamination of  Blue Creek sediments with metals and radionuclides has been documented.  Blue Creek is an important spawning and nursery area for rainbow trout and other fish, including the Paiute sculpin, a "species of special concern" in the State of Washington. The area is also associated with palustrine wetlands.

In April, 1998, EPA conducted an Expanded Site Inspection (ESI).  Elevated levels of metals and radionuclides were detected in numerous on-site sources.  Ground water seeps containing elevated levels of metals and radionuclides were observed  to be flowing into the nearby surface water drainages.  Surface water and sediments of Blue Creek were also found to contain elevated levels of metals and radionuclides.  The wetland in the East Drainage on-site has  chromium levels above the Ambient Water Quality Criteria.

The National Priorities List (NPL) is a published list of U.S. hazardous waste sites that are eligible for extensive, long-term cleanup under the Superfund program. Listing on the NPL makes the site eligible to receive federal funds for cleanup while EPA seeks to recover costs from the responsible parties. Placing the site on the NPL also allows EPA to use Superfund money for cleanup when there are no responsible parties who can pay for the work.

People interested in commenting on the proposed NPL listing (Deadline: Monday, April 19) should send the original comments and three copies to:
Docket Coordinator,
Headquarters U.S. EPA
CERCLA Docket Office (5201G)
401 M Street SW
Washington, DC 20460