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EPA Seeks Candidates for Advisory Board On Great Lakes Issues

Release Date: 07/05/2012
Contact Information: Peter Cassell, 312-886-6234, [email protected]

No. 12-OPA052

CHICAGO (July 5, 2012) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that it is seeking candidates for the first advisory board to support federal agencies with the implementation of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the updated Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.

The Great Lakes Advisory Board will provide advice and recommendations to EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson in her capacity as federal Interagency Task Force chair. EPA will consider candidates from a broad range of interests including environmental groups, businesses, agricultural groups, funders/foundations, environmental justice groups, youth groups, academia and state, local and tribal representatives as needed.

"The Advisory Board will help ensure the federal agencies receive the best advice possible so that the GLRI is making the best investments possible," said Cameron Davis, senior advisor to EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson.

The Great Lakes provide more than 30 million Americans with drinking water and underpin a multi-billion dollar economy. In February 2009, President Obama proposed the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the largest investment in the Great Lakes in two decades. GLRI funds are being used to accelerate cleanup work in the 30 remaining AOCs identified by the U.S. and Canada in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement during the 1980s. EPA has targeted four AOCs in which cleanup work will be completed in 2012. Five more AOCs are targeted for completion in 2013 and 2014.

For more on the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, see

For more information on the board or to apply, see