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Taylor Springs, Il. site added to Superfund National Priorities List

Release Date: 09/27/2006
Contact Information: (EPA) Mick Hans, (312) 353-5050, [email protected] (EPA) Anne Rowan, (312) 353-9391, [email protected] (Illinois EPA) Maggie Carson, (217) 558-1536

No. 06-OPA170

CHICAGO (Sept. 26, 2006) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today added the ASARCO Taylor Springs site, in Taylor Springs, Ill., to the National Priorities List of Superfund hazardous waste sites. Sites on the NPL are eligible for additional study and resources under EPA's Superfund program. The Taylor Springs site brings the number of sites on the NPL to 1,246.

Nationally, five new sites were added to the NPL and six sites were proposed for addition to the list, with public comment periods to follow. Two of the proposed sites are in EPA Region 5: Elm Street Ground Water Contamination, Terre Haute, Ind., and South Minneapolis Residential Soil Contamination, Minneapolis.

The 181-acre Taylor Springs site was proposed for addition to the NPL in April 2006 followed by a public comment period. The property, which contained a zinc smelter and zinc oxide production facility, is owned by ASARCO. Previously, the zinc oxide facility was operated by American Zinc Lead and Smelting Co. (now Blue Tee Corp.) and more recently by Midwest Zinc. Pollution on the property - including contaminated soil and two production waste slag piles containing lead, arsenic, cadmium and other metals - dates to 1911. Some waste materials were also used as fill dirt in the neighborhood near the site.

Since 1994, ASARCO has performed several site investigations under the supervision of Illinois EPA. Currently, EPA is evaluating whether an action will be required to address lead contamination at some nearby residential properties. A community information session will be scheduled by EPA for October.

Site information is on file at the Taylor Springs Village Hall, 626 E. Main St. Residents with questions about the site may contact EPA Community Involvement Coordinator Joe Munoz, (800) 621-8431, Ext. 67935, or [email protected]

Historically, through EPA's enforcement program, cleanup at about 70 percent of NPL sites has been paid for or performed by parties held responsible for the contamination. Under the NPL process, EPA will search for potentially responsible parties to conduct cleanup at the ASARCO Taylor Springs site.

With the proposal of the six new sites, there are 61 proposed sites awaiting final agency action including five federal facilities. Altogether there are 1,307 final and proposed sites. Cleanup construction has been completed at 978 sites.

More information, including background information on the NPL process and information about submitting comments on the proposed sites is at

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