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EPA National Hazardous Waste Meeting in Washington; D.C. Aug 12-15

Release Date: 08/06/2003
Contact Information:

Dave Ryan 202-564-7827 / [email protected]

(08/06/03) The annual Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) National Meeting, a forum for federal and state regulators and the regulated community to discuss solid and hazardous waste management issues, will be held in Washington, D.C., Tuesday, Aug. 12 through Friday, Aug.15, at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill. RCRA, enacted by Congress in 1976, regulates the identification, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of solid and hazardous wastes. This year’s meeting will focus on EPA’s Resource Conservation Challenge (RCC), a major national effort to find flexible yet more protective ways to conserve our valuable resources through pollution prevention, waste reduction and energy recovery activities that will improve public health and the environment. Session topics include: hazardous waste import and export; converting landfills to clean energy generation stations; cell phone and beverage container industry responsibility for recycling their products; paying for the collecting, transporting and recycling of electronic products; the Hudson River PCB cleanup; the availability of Brownfields grants for RCRA sites; the future of sustainable energy in the United States; the burning of household waste as a source of dioxin and related pollutants; and changes to the RCRA definition of Solid Waste. On Aug. 12, EPA will honor the newest members of the Waste Minimization Partnerships, a voluntary program under the RCC that fosters partnerships between EPA and industry that focus on reducing waste and the use of 39 harmful chemicals. The meeting begins with a plenary session at 8 a.m. (EDT) on Aug. 12, with opening remarks by Barry Breen, Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. The meeting is being co-sponsored by EPA, Air & Waste Management Association, Solid Waste Association of North America, International City/County Management Association, and the Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials. More information is available at: .