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EPA Awards $200,000 to the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government to Help Cleanup and Reuse Brownfields Sites

Release Date: 04/25/2013
Contact Information: James Pinkney, (404) 562-9183 (Direct), (404) 562-8400 (Main) [email protected]

(Atlanta - April 25, 2013) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that it plans to award the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government with a brownfield grant to help them plan for the assessment, clean up and reuse of Brownfields properties. This funding is part of the Brownfields Area-Wide Planning program, which aims to help communities develop area-wide plans and specific implementation strategies for integrating the cleanup and reuse of brownfield sites into neighborhood revitalization efforts.

“EPA is certainly excited about the opportunity for communities in the Southeast Region to realize sustainable environmental results,” said EPA Region 4 Administrator, Gwen Keyes Fleming. “Through EPA’s Brownfields Program we support not just environmental revitalization but economic revitalization.”

EPA has selected the Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government as a Brownfields Area-Wide Planning grant recipient. Louisville Metro and its project partner, the University of Louisville Center for Environment and Policy Management (CEPM), will work with the community and other stakeholders to develop an area-wide plan and implementation strategy for the Germantown Rail Corridor brownfields area. Through this project, Louisville Metro and CEPM will conduct community outreach and education, develop a site inventory, and create implementation strategies for brownfields cleanup and redevelopment that will improve connectivity between the University of Louisville, the Highlands neighborhood, and local commercial corridors.

Brownfields are real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. In 2010, EPA launched the Brownfields Area-Wide Planning (BF AWP) program as a pilot program with the goal of broadening the approach that communities take with existing Brownfields grant programs. With this second round of grant funding, EPA has now awarded approximately $8 million to 43 communities.

This is the second round of grants awarded under the BF AWP program. EPA’s BF AWP program supports the collaboration among EPA and the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development to leverage a range of programs to meet common revitalization needs. The collaboration ensures that the agencies consider affordable housing, transportation, and environmental protection together. The Partnership is helping communities across the country to use existing in-fill sites to create more housing choices, make transportation more efficient and reliable, reinforce existing investments, and support vibrant and healthy neighborhoods that attract businesses.

More information on the grant recipients:

More information on the partnership:

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