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State, federal agencies launch pilot project to discuss health issues at Southern California schools

Release Date: 01/16/2014
Contact Information: Nahal Mogharabi, 213-244-1815, [email protected]

CYPRESS, CA. – Federal, state, and local officials will launch a new intergovernmental pilot project that will identify potential environmental health hazards facing students and staff at schools across Southern California. The “Southern California—Clean, Green and Health Schools Partnership” is a six-month pilot project that aims to foster collaboration between stakeholders, teachers and parents through monthly meetings, technical assistance, and improved communication within the agencies and the community.

The partnership consists of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control and the California Environmental Protection Agency and is divided into two groups: The “core group,” which is responsible for furthering the goals of the partnership, and the “stakeholder group,” which presents projects and issues to be reviewed by the partnership. Both groups include representatives from agencies, school districts and the community. This partnership will begin as a six-month pilot project and will be evaluated afterward to determine if it should continue.

Expected results include improved communication among schools, community members, and federal, state and local agencies; identification of facilities with compliance issues nearby schools; and the identification of environmental health issues that could potentially affect students and employees at schools.

The first kick off meeting will be held on January 28, 2013:


What: Southern California—Clean, Green and Health Schools Partnership kick-off meeting

When: January 28, 2014 at 9:00 a.m.

Where: U.S. EPA Southern California Field Office
600 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1460, Los Angeles, CA 90017

PLEASE RSVP: Space is limited. To RSVP, receive information about upcoming meetings, and/or obtain detailed information on the pilot partnership, please contact Romie Duarte at [email protected].


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