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EPA gives $97,388 to Midwest projects that increase environmental awareness

Release Date: 09/26/2007
Contact Information: Phillippa Cannon, 312-353-6218, [email protected] Megan Gavin, environmental education coordinator, 312-353-5282, [email protected]

No. 07 -OPA165

EPA gives $97,388 to Midwest projects that increase environmental awareness

CHICAGO (Sept. 25, 2007) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 has awarded $97,388 to projects that enhance environmental education in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.

The annual grants are given to community groups, nonprofit organizations, government agencies, schools and universities for projects that increase knowledge and awareness of science and the environment.

The 2007 environmental education grant recipients are:

Chicago Academy of Sciences received $16,038 for Teens Exploring and Explaining Nature and Science (TEENS). The TEENS program exposes underserved and minority Chicago Public School students to careers in environmental research, conservation and education. It pairs the education resources of the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum with field-based projects of the Chicago Wilderness Coalition.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, received $40,878 for Learning to Live with the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. The program aims to provide Michigan residents with accurate information about the snake and how to coexist with it. It includes workshops, educational materials and personal consultations.

Communities in Schools-Recycling Awareness, Columbus, Ohio, received $18,943 to provide education on litter, waste reduction and recycling to four after-school programs. The program includes field trips and community events.

Burnett County, Wis., received $21,477 for its Natural Step program that provides workshops on the value of sustainable development.

More information on EPA's environmental education grants is available at

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