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Release Date: 10/7/1998
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith (215) 814-5543 William Smith (215) 814-5543

PHILADELPHIA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced that it has cited Saulsbury Brothers, Inc., in Ridgely, Md., for violating federal toxic chemical reporting regulations.  Saulsbury Brothers, Inc., operates a frozen vegetable production plant.

In the administrative complaint, EPA alleges that the company violated the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) by failing to file required reports on a toxic chemical used at the plant in 1995.   EPA is seeking a $17,000 penalty for this violation.

In its complaint, EPA alleges that the company failed to timely report the amounts of ammonia released at the facility in 1995.  Ammonia is irritating to the skin, eyes, nose, throat and upper respiratory system, and may harm aquatic life when washed out of the atmosphere by rainfall.
EPCRA requires companies that manufacture, process or use more than a threshold amount of regulated chemicals to file an annual toxic chemical release form with EPA and the state.  Companies must report both routine and accidental releases of toxic chemicals, as well as the maximum amount of any listed chemicals at the facility and the amount contained in wastes transferred off-site.  

The reports provide the basis for EPA’s annual Toxic Release Inventory, which is provided to the public and regulatory authorities to track pollution trends and identify pollution prevention opportunities.  

It is important to note that the complaint alleges a reporting violation, and not an unlawful release of this chemical.  The company has the right to a hearing to contest the alleged violation and proposed penalty.

