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Mud Bay Water System Recognized for Excellence in Protecting Public Health by Providing Safe, Clean Drinking Water

Release Date: 02/12/2007
Contact Information: Rick Green, EPA/Seattle, 206-553-8504, [email protected] Mark MacIntyre, EPA/Seattle, 206-553-7302, [email protected]

(Seattle, Wash. – February 12, 2007) The Mud Bay Water System near Olympia, Washington, has earned national recognition as an outstanding public water system, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The system was recognized as part of the EPA’s recent annual “Drinking Water State Revolving Fund” Awards program, which highlights municipal water providers that “achieve results that go beyond the typical project and show exceptional creativity and dedication to public health protection.”

According to Mike Gearheard, EPA Water Office director in Seattle, EPA is honored to recognize those public water systems that have ‘gone the extra mile’ to protect people where they live.

“Mud Bay Water System should be proud,” said EPA’s Gearheard. “These awards recognize the country’s most innovative and protective public drinking water systems. Each state can nominate one project for the award and Mud Bay is clearly a winner.”

Besides meeting mandatory basic criteria, each nominee also had to demonstrate leadership in at least one of these four areas:

· Innovation in financing,
· Innovative approach to planning and/or project implementation,
· Creative use of partnerships
· Promoting sustainable infrastructure

    Here’s a snapshot of the Mud Bay system:

    Mud Bay Water System - Contact: Cory Eckert, Mgr. (360) 507-3054 - Mud Bay used a combination federal loan and grant funds to replace an existing spring source with a well, allowing it to increase capacity and hook several new residents up to the system. These residents had previously relied on small wells, which were damaged in a 2001 earthquake. The funds also helped replace failing water mains, install service meters, source meters, and shut-off valves.
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    For more about EPA and Safe Drinking Water: