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EPA Launches Environmental Education Campaign on Hispanic Radio Network

Release Date: 09/29/2003
Contact Information:

Contact:(EPA) Lina Younes (202) 564-9924 / [email protected]
(EPA) Judy Pino (202) 564-7338 / [email protected]

(09/29/03) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues its commitment to inform the Hispanic community of the Agency’s initiatives and programs. A new Spanish language campaign launched on the Hispanic Radio Network (HRN) throughout the U.S. mainland and Puerto Rico on September 22, highlights the steps individual and community groups can take to improve local quality of life issues.

“Hispanics are important partners in achieving our common goal of making America’s air cleaner, water purer, and land better protected for this and future generations,” said Marianne Lamont Horinko, Acting Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “With this series on the Hispanic Radio Network, EPA is focusing on ways Hispanics can foster a healthy environment in the home, at school and in their local communities,” she added.

The EPA radio series provides insight on topics ranging from President Bush’s Clear Skies Initiative, the USA Clean School Bus program, asthma, children’s health protection, Energy Star, water conservation, and the proper use of pesticides. As part of the educational campaign on HRN, three EPA columns will be published in 90 Hispanic newspapers throughout the nation. The EPA series on HRN will conclude on October 3l.

This EPA series, which coincides with National Hispanic Heritage Month, will run for six weeks on HRN’s program “Planeta Azul” (Blue Planet) which explores environmental issues. “Planeta Azul” is broadcast by the network’s 162 radio station affiliates, covering 90 percent of the national Hispanic radio audience, reaching more than four million people throughout the US mainland and Puerto Rico.

To find out the nearest HRN affiliate, contact: .