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EPA Imposes Tougher Requirements on Doe Run Resources Corporation for Cleanup of Leadwood Mine Tailings Site

Release Date: 07/31/2009
Contact Information: Chris Whitley, 913-551-7394, [email protected]

Environmental News


(Kansas City, Kan., July 31, 2009) - In response to public concerns, EPA Region 7 today imposed a series of new conditions and requirements on the Doe Run Resources Corporation for its ongoing efforts to remediate the Leadwood Mine Tailings Superfund Site in Leadwood, Mo.

The new terms, contained in a modified Unilateral Administrative Order issued today in Kansas City, Kan., are meant to address a variety of public concerns, including the proper use of biosolids to remediate the site, biosolids and material hauling, and public trespassing.

"This order outlines a series of steps that Doe Run must take immediately to improve environmental procedures and practices at this site," said William Rice, acting regional administrator. "These steps come with clearly stated deadlines, as well as stronger measures of oversight and accountability to ensure that public health and the environment are protected. We have informed Doe Run that we expect these steps to be closely followed."

The Leadwood Mine Tailings Superfund Site is one of six major mine waste areas located in a region of Missouri known as the Old Lead Belt. Historical mining activities were conducted in the region for the greater part of 70 years, leaving behind tailings and chat containing elevated levels of lead and zinc that pose threats to human health and the environment.

In September 2006, EPA Region 7 issued a Unilateral Administrative Order to the Doe Run Resources Corporation, requiring the company to clean up and remediate the site. Today's modified order adds new actions that Doe Run must take, and lists timeframes for completion:
  • All major earthmoving work, including tailings and chat moving, must be complete by September 30, 2010.
  • All rock cover, soil cover, vegetative seeding and fertilization, and construction of treatment ponds, as required by the order, must be complete by May 31, 2011.
  • Doe Run must control runoff from the site onto residential properties located next to Davis Crossing Road by September 25, 2009.
  • By August 21, 2009, Doe Run must submit a detailed biosolids management plan to EPA Region 7 for review and authorization.
  • Effective immediately, Doe Run must suspend all Class B biosolids application at the site until it receives authorization from EPA that its application rate has been approved.

The modified order states that all subsequent applications of Class B biosolids at the Leadwood site must comply with all applicable federal, state and local regulations, and with the following specific conditions:
  • Doe Run must give EPA and the Mayor of Leadwood a five-day written notice prior to any Class B biosolids application at the site.
  • Applications of Class B biosolids may occur only during daylight hours.
  • Vehicles involved in the application of Class B biosolids at the site may only use the site entrance located north of Wortham Road.
  • Doe Run must be present to monitor every application of Class B biosolids at the site.
  • Doe Run must post signage that says "NO TRESPASSING, EPA approved Class B biosolids application area. Area under surveillance, trespassers will be prosecuted." The signage must be posted at the application area located north of Wortham Road that extends into the mine tailings area, and at the north site entrance off Old Highway 8, the east site entrance off Davis Crossing Road, and the south site entrance on the north side of Wortham Road.
  • Effective immediately, no materials containing animal bones or animal carcasses may be used at the site. Doe Run must also remove and properly dispose of any animal bones or carcasses from material currently at the site.

The modified order outlines a number of additional steps that Doe Run must take by August 28, 2009, to increase control and security at the site:
  • Doe Run must conduct daily surveillance of the site and provide monthly site surveillance inspection reports to EPA. The site surveillance reports must list dates and times of inspections, reports of all trespass incidents and actions taken by Doe Run to resolve those incidents; and reports of all site damage incidents, and actions taken by Doe Run to resolve the damages.
  • Doe Run must install and maintain gates and physical barriers, either in the form of fencing or boulder fields, at the site entrance off W Street, along both sides of Wortham Road, and at the Davis Crossing Road site entrance.
  • Doe Run must post signage at all of the secured gates that notifies the public of the site boundaries and says, "NO TRESPASSING, Lead Mine Waste Remediation Area. Area under surveillance, trespassers will be prosecuted."

Further, the modified order requires Doe Run to provide monthly biosolids application reports to EPA. These reports, which will be made available for public inspection, must include:
  • All applicator records for each biosolids application at the site.
  • The names of Doe Run personnel present during each application.
  • Descriptions of each application procedure as observed by Doe Run personnel.
  • Dates and times of each application at the site, including starting and finishing times.
  • Descriptions of the source or sources of the Class B biosolids used in each application.
  • Names and contact information for applicator personnel involved in each application.
  • Vehicle descriptions and license numbers for all vehicles used in each application.
  • Descriptions of any issues encountered during each application, and all actions taken by applicator personnel and Doe Run personnel to resolve those issues.

Doe Run also must provide EPA with monthly site surveillance reports, listing dates and times of inspections, reports of trespass incidents and how they were resolved, and reports of all site damage incidents and how those incidents were resolved. Those reports will also be made public.

EPA Region 7 will host a public meeting to discuss the terms and conditions of the modified order, and to address any related community concerns, on Thursday, August 13, 2009. The meeting will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the West County High School Cafeteria, 768 Highway M, in Park Hills, Mo.
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