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EPA Request Grant Proposals to Retrofit Diesel Vehicles

Release Date: 04/18/2003
Contact Information:

Suzanne Ackerman 202-564-7819/[email protected]

(04/18/03) EPA has released the “Toxicological Review of Benzene - Noncancer Effects,” a report that describes the potential noncancer health hazards associated with environmental exposures to benzene. This document supplements two previously released human health assessments of benzene, and will be used to inform the Agency’s future risk assessments and regulation of benzene sources. Benzene is an industrial solvent and a component of gasoline, and is also used in the manufacture of plastics, detergents and pesticides. EPA regulations have significantly reduced air emissions of benzene from industrial facilities. In 1989, EPA set a national emission standard for benzene from coke plants where iron ore is converted to steel. Air pollution control techniques at these facilities have since reduced benzene and VOC emissions by 90 percent. In 1994, EPA set air toxics controls for all new and existing large facilities in the gasoline distribution system. EPA is currently reviewing the need for additional rules for smaller gasoline distribution sources as part of its urban air toxics program. While inhalation exposure is the major route of exposure to benzene, the review document provides both an inhalation reference concentration (RfC) and an oral reference dose (RfD) to protect all sensitive subgroups of the population from the adverse noncancer health effects of exposure to benzene. The toxicological review is available at: