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Chemical spill reporting violation: EPA settles with MBH Trucking in Webberville, Mich.

Release Date: 09/25/2009
Contact Information: Karen Thompson, 312-353-8547, [email protected]

No. 09-OPA182

(CHICAGO - Sept 25, 2009) U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 recently settled an administrative case involving hazardous chemical release and inventory reporting violations for MBH Trucking LLC, in Webberville, Mich. The company will pay a civil penalty of $42,137 and spend at least $22,500 to provide chemical release reporting training to the trucking and agricultural industries in Michigan.

An MBH truck driver failed to provide immediate notification to the National Response Center and state and local emergency response commissions of a 920-pound release of anhydrous ammonia while making a delivery to a farm. MBH also failed to provide state and local authorities with chemical information about the diesel fuel that was on-site at the company's transport facility. The diesel fuel has been removed from the site.

Releases of anhydrous ammonia, commonly used in commercial refrigeration systems and as fertilizer, must be reported if greater than 100 pounds. The chemical causes burns to the skin and irritation to the eyes, nose and throat, and may be fatal if inhaled for long periods of time.

The NRC activates the appropriate response authorities. Responders need to know what they're dealing with so they can take steps to protect people living and working in the area.

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