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Blue Valley School District Wins First-Ever Indoor Air Award

Release Date: 02/13/2006
Contact Information: Kim Olson, (913) 551-7458, [email protected]

Environmental News


Blue Valley is the first school district in the nation to receive the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools “Model of Sustained Excellence” Award from EPA.

Art Spratlin, director of air, solid waste and toxics programs at EPA’s Region 7 office in Kansas City, Kan., represented the regional office in presenting the award to Lori Hisle, president of the Blue Valley Board of Education. She accepted on behalf of the school district.

Spratlin said, “Children spend a significant amount of time in schools. We want to make sure that our schools are taking care of indoor environmental pollutants and irritants that might affect the health and productivity of students and staff.”

The Model of Sustained Excellence Award winners are selected from school districts nationwide that have previously won EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools National Excellence Award. The Blue Valley School District received that award in 2003.

Blue Valley has been, and continues to be, a leader in several environmental areas. Indoor air quality management is an integral part of the district’s strategic plan. The district buys Energy Star and Green Seal labeled products where possible and has installed energy-efficient lighting and motion sensors. It is also eliminating bus idling near student loading zones to improve indoor and outdoor air quality.

Spratlin said Blue Valley is a model and mentor for other school districts in the region.

The Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Kit is a flexible, comprehensive and free resource. School staff members can use it to design a practical plan to identify, solve and prevent indoor air problems at little or no cost. The kit provides best practices, industry guidelines, sample policies, and a sample indoor air quality management plan. The voluntary guidance can save schools time and money so that resources can be directed toward educating children.

Read the Blue Valley School District’s news release at:

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