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Early Hurricane Preparations Can Save Lives and Property

Release Date: 06/01/2007
Contact Information: Roxanne Smith, (202) 564-4355 / [email protected] En espaņol, Lina Younes, (202) 564-9924 / [email protected]

(6/1/07) Hurricane season starts today. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency urges people and businesses to start planning before hurricane force winds or storm flooding may occur. Early preparations can help minimize injury and property damage.

EPA's hurricanes Web site includes information for business operators on preventing and reporting chemical releases due to severe weather, which can be required by law. Local governments and community agencies can find suggestions for preparing and protecting water and wastewater facilities. There is also detailed information for debris planning, since storm debris can occur in enormous amounts that overwhelm local landfills, and can also present serious dangers to human health and the environment.

This information is currently available in English and Spanish. Hurricane preparedness information in Chinese and Vietnamese will be posted on the EPA Web site early next week.

Information on hurricane preparedness:

Information on hurricane preparedness in Spanish: