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EPA sponsors environmental education event at Durham’s Lowe’s Grove Middle School to raise awareness about energy conservation and the environment

Release Date: 09/10/2009
Contact Information: Dawn Harris-Young (404) 562-8421, [email protected]

(DURHAM, N.C. – September 15, 2009) On Tuesday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will sponsor an environmental education event at Lowe’s Grove Middle School. The event will engage seventh grade Math Science and Education Network students in activities and discussions related to energy conservation and the environment.

Award-winning filmmaker and energy-conservation advocate Jeff Barrie, the producer of “Kilowatt Ours – A Plan to Re-energize America,” will lead student discussions. Barrie will be joined by Kelly Leovic, the environmental education program manager at EPA’s campus in Research Triangle Park, and EPA scientists who volunteer their time to mentor students in area schools. Leovic and her colleagues will show students how to use a “watts meter” to measure how much energy common electric household appliances use.

Raising awareness about the environment, energy conservation and other green initiatives is an important component of EPA’s environmental education program. Through classroom visits, EPA sponsored and co-sponsored community presentations, and booths set up at festivals and fairs, EPA’s environmental education program in Research Triangle Park has reached over 25,000 students and other people since October 2008.

WHO: Jeff Barrie, producer of “Kilowatt Ours – A Plan to Re-energize America”

          Kelly Leovic, Environmental Education Program Manager at the U.S. EPA, Research Triangle Park, N.C.
          45 seventh grade Math Science and Education Network Middle School Students at Durham’s Lowe’s Grove Elementary School

WHAT: Environmental education event sponsored by the EPA at Durham’s Lowe’s Grove Middle School

WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2009 during discussions and demonstrations; time is approximately 10:15 to 10:45am.

WHERE: Lowe’s Grove Middle School
      4418 S. Alston Ave.
      Durham, N.C. 27713

Directions: Take I-40 West to Exit 278 (NC Hwy 55).
      Turn right off the exit onto NC Hwy 55.
      Turn left at the next light onto NC Hwy 54.
      Turn left onto Alston Avenue.
      Lowe's Grove Middle School is less than ½ mile down, on the left.