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EPA acts to ensure safe drinking water for Utah residents

Release Date: 07/26/2007
Contact Information: Diane Sipe, 303-312-6391, [email protected] David Janik, 303-312-6917, [email protected]

Summary of actions taken

(Denver, Colo., July 26, 2007) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 8 issued four administrative orders and settled one penalty complaint in Utah from June 2006 through March 2007.

EPA issues an administrative order when a public water system violates the Safe Drinking Water Act and its regulations. In Utah, EPA and the State work together through a workshare arrangement to identify public water systems against which EPA will take federal enforcement action. Utah also has authority to issue enforcement actions against water systems in the state. An administrative order requires the public water system to comply with the drinking water regulations and includes action items for returning to compliance. EPA issued administrative orders to the following Utah public water systems:

Daniel Domestic Water Co.,
Heber City, Utah
Lake Powell Management,
Alpine, Utah
Sunset View Golf Course
, Delta, Utah
The Other End,
Heber City, Utah

EPA issues a complaint for penalty when a public water system violates an administrative order. EPA may settle a complaint for penalty for a monetary payment, the amount of which is based on a combination of the seriousness of the violations and the size of the population at risk, among other factors. EPA settled a complaint for penalty with the following public water system with the penalty amount noted:

Daniel Domestic Water Co.,
Heber City, Utah
Penalty Amount: $2500.

EPA oversees the protection of public health and the environment in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. Compliance and enforcement are important components of public health and environmental protection which encourage governments, businesses and other regulated entities to meet their environmental and public health obligations.