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Pfizer’s Caguas Facility Honored for Environmental Performance

Release Date: 05/24/2007
Contact Information: Richard Cahill (212) 637-3666, [email protected]

(New York, N.Y.) The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recognized the environmental achievements of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals LLC of Caguas by welcoming the company as a new member of the National Environmental Performance Track program. The company makes and packages pharmaceutical drug products at its Caguas plant. Pfizer’s Cruce Davis facility in Barceloneta joined the program last year.

Pfizer reduced the amount of non-hazardous wastes it generates at the Caguas facility from 6.5 million pounds in 2003 to 2.6 million in 2005 through improved inventory control and recycling. The company has committed to reducing its use of isoproponal by modifying its cleaning practices in production areas where appropriate.

“Performance Track members continue to contribute notable reductions in water use, hazardous waste generation, emissions of greenhouse gases and energy use,” said EPA Regional Administrator Alan J. Steinberg. “Members of the program have distinguished themselves as environmental leaders, and deserve EPA’s continued support and recognition for their efforts.”

In the Performance Track Fifth Annual Progress Report, which details members' environmental accomplishments from 2000 – 2005, the cumulative results show members reducing their water use by 3.5 billion gallons, greenhouse gas emissions by 97,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, hazardous waste generation by 130,000 tons, and non-hazardous waste generation by 600,000 tons. Members have also restored or protected more than 14,000 acres of wildlife habitat. There are more than 450 member organizations nationally, with 58 in Puerto Rico, New Jersey and New York.

New members of the Performance Track members were honored this month in a ceremony in New Orleans. The annual awards ceremony is a gathering of top environmental performers, EPA and state leaders, and other program partners who strive for environmental excellence through innovation and partnerships.

The Performance Track Program, which began in June 2000, is a voluntary public-private partnership dedicated to encouraging members to go beyond compliance with environmental regulations. In order to be accepted into Performance Track, facilities must have a history of sustained compliance with federal and state environmental requirements. They must also adopt and implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) – an organization’s systematic effort to meet its environmental requirements and improve its overall performance, demonstrate at least two past environmental achievements and commit to four future improvements. In addition, they are required to have a public outreach program with a commitment to reporting their progress to the public.

Members in the Performance Track program receive a range of incentives such as public recognition and low priority for routine EPA inspections. Facilities are also eligible for several kinds of administrative flexibility and streamlined administrative requirements that reduce costs and enable members to achieve better environmental results. In addition, members benefit from special services, including a learning network composed of top environmental performers that has a mentoring program, tele-seminars, EPA roundtable discussions and newsletters. EPA Is currently accepting applications for acceptance into the program. For more information, please visit the program website at
