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Guam Shipyard to pay $19,534 for hazardous waste violations

Release Date: 07/10/2006
Contact Information: Dean Higuchi, 808-541-2711, [email protected]

(07/10/06) HONOLULU – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently reached a settlement that requires the Guam Shipyard to spend $25,000 to create an environmental management system and pay a fine for hazardous waste violations.

The shipyard will pay $19,534 for storage of hazardous waste without a permit, and for its failure to close hazardous waste containers. The environmental management system will improve on management of hazardous waste by encouraging pollution prevention and requiring regular employee training. The shipyard will also conduct a yearly review and certification of its waste management efforts.

“The storage and management of hazardous waste needs to be done correctly to ensure community, worker and environmental safety,” said Jeff Scott, the EPA’s director for the waste management programs in the Pacific Southwest region. “We are pleased that the company will move forward with the project to improve its compliance and environmental practices at the shipyard.”

The waste has since been shipped for disposal to a proper hazardous waste disposal facility as required by the EPA’s hazardous waste regulations.

The EPA’s hazardous waste rules require facilities to properly store, label and seal hazardous waste containers. Facilities must also have properly trained staff, as improperly stored hazardous waste can potentially spill and pose a risk to workers and the environment.

For more information on U.S. EPA’s hazardous waste program visit For information on Guam EPA's hazardous waste program visit

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