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EPA Selects West Virginia Communities for New Brownfields Investments

Release Date: 05/28/2014
Contact Information: Bonnie Smith, 215-814-5523 [email protected]

PHILADELPHIA (May 28, 2014) Several West Virginia communities will share in a nationwide total of $67 million in brownfields funding announced today by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to support cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties. In West Virginia, five grants totaling $1 million will help communities conduct environmental assessments of properties, review cleanup options, and initiate cleanup at a contaminated site.

“EPA is proud to support West Virginia communities in assessing and cleaning up abandoned properties, especially in rural areas where environmental cleanup and new jobs are needed,” said EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin. “West Virginia has many successful brownfields projects underway, and this new funding will help more of its communities leverage resources for creating a healthier future.”

Nationwide, 171 communities in 44 states are receiving 264 EPA brownfields grants, giving communities and businesses a chance to reuse properties that have been laying idle and turn them into useful assets. These brownfields investments boost local economies and create new opportunities for economic development.

The grants to West Virginia include:

    · The Wayne County Economic Development Authority was awarded a $200,000 brownfields assessment grant to expand and inventory brownfields, conduct up to 15 environmental site assessments and evaluate sites for cleanup opportunities. The Development Authority will also inform and involve the community in its efforts.
      · The City of Morgantown was awarded a $200,000 brownfields assessment grant to conduct up to 10 environmental site assessments. The funds also will be used to review cleanup strategies and conduct community education and involvement.
      · The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) was awarded a $200,000 brownfields assessment grant to investigate potential petroleum contamination at eight sites and evaluate the sites’ environmental risks. WVDEP’s grant will focus on Nicholas, Fayette, and Raleigh Counties and will work with communities to help prioritize which sites to assess.
        · In Tucker County, the City of Thomas was awarded a $200,000 brownfields assessment grant to conduct 11 environmental site assessments, develop five cleanup plans and inform and involve the community.
        · The Wyoming County Economic Development Authority was awarded a $200,000 brownfields cleanup grant to help in cleaning up what is now referred to as the Barkers Creek Industrial Park in the small community of Tralee. The site has had a variety of industrial uses and the shallow soil is contaminated with heavy metals and petroleum. The 10.9 acre property on State Route 10 has been abandoned since 2000.
        Since the inception of EPA’s brownfields program, West Virginia has received more than $17 million in brownfields funding. Nationwide, EPA’s brownfields program has made cumulative investments leveraging more than $21 billion from a range of public and private sources for cleanup and redevelopment activities, resulting in approximately 93,000 jobs.

        More information on EPA’s brownfields grants:

        More information on today’s grants,
        Wayne County:
        West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection:
        City of Thomas:
        Wyoming County:

        More information on EPA’s brownfields program: