Guide to Field Storage of Biosolids
Federal standards for the use or disposal of biosolids are regulated under 40 CFR Part 503. The Part 503 rule addresses land application and beneficial use of biosolids including limits on off-site storage of biosolids (off-site meaning not at the wastewater treatment facility).
This guidance document was written to provide a set of consistent Recommended Management Practices for the field storage of biosolids. It identifies three critical control points for managing the system: 1) the wastewater treatment facility; 2) transportation process; and 3) the field storage site. It provides the elements needed for good site design and operation. This document also stresses the continuing need for partnership and good communication between the biosolids generators and managers responsible for storage and land application to ensure community-friendly operations. The guide targets management practices to address three critical issues: air quality (odors), water quality, and sanitation (pathogens), which have potential environmental, public health, and community relations impacts.