Safer Chemicals Collaborative Agreements and Funding Opportunities
EPA collaborates with hundreds stakeholders ranging from industry, academia, trade associations, other federal agencies, state government and non-governmental organizations. EPA exchanges knowledge and materials including chemicals, software, chemical data, animal toxicity study results, new high-throughput screening assays and more with these stakeholder groups.
- Collaborative Agreements for Computational Toxicology and Exposure Research
- The Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA): Learn how the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) conducts collaborative research, protects intellectual property, and licenses EPA’s federal technologies through the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA) program,
- EPA Active Contracts Listing: Get information on doing business with EPA, including important elements of the contracting process, points of contact and information on the regulations and policies applicable to EPA acquisitions.
Funding Opportunities
- Research Funding Opportunities: EPA funds safer chemical research grants supporting the development of innovative science to support safer, more sustainable use of chemicals in consumer products and chemicals used for other purposes such as pesticides. Using safer, more sustainable chemicals will help to better protect human and environmental health, including sensitive populations like children, elderly and endangered species.
- Small Business Innovation Research Program: EPA funds small businesses to develop and commercialize innovative environmental technologies.
- Fellowships, Scholarships and Post-Doctoral Opportunities
- Grantee Research Project Results
Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach for Safer Chemicals Research
View upcoming and ongoing EPA Safer Chemicals events!