Creating Messages that Drive Behavior Change
Education alone rarely changes behavior. If your community is trying to create impactful educational materials that lead to behavior change, such as recycling right, consider applying social marketing approaches.
On this page:
What is Social Marketing?
Social marketing is a discipline that aims to change behaviors for the good of society, communities, and people. Social marketing approaches can increase the effectiveness of communications and marketing efforts. To create meaningful and sustainable behavior change, organizations can deploy social marketing strategies to overcome barriers and provide people with personal, relevant motivators to act.
Learn How to Create a Social Marketing Program
The following training materials provide the framework to develop a new behavior change campaign. This training also shares examples of how recycling, composting, and food waste prevention programs have applied social marketing approaches to develop messages that change behavior.
Recorded Presentations
Module 1: Overview of Social Marketing (recording).
Module 3: Developing a Message Strategy and Leveraging Partners. Pilot and Evaluate (recording).
Module 4: Case Study of Social Marketing Related to Reducing Food Waste (recording).
Presentation Slides
Guide and Worksheet
- For questions about the training or social marketing, contact [email protected].