Public Notice: EPA Begins 7th Review of Sand Creek Industrial Superfund Site
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in cooperation with the State of Colorado, is conducting the seventh five-year review of the Sand Creek Industrial Superfund Site in Adams County, Colorado. Five-year reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the implementation and performance of a remedy to determine whether it remains protective of human health and the environment. The seventh five-year review will be completed in 2025.
The 550-acre Sand Creek Industrial site is in Denver and Commerce City, Colorado. Since the 1940s, several different types of businesses have operated at the site including an oil refinery, a pesticide manufacturing facility, an herbicide chemical plant and a landfill. Site operations, waste management practices, spills and explosions contaminated soil, air, groundwater and surface water with hazardous chemicals. The site became a Superfund site when it was added to the National Priorities List in 1983. The Site’s long-term remedy included demolition and disposal of contaminated buildings and tanks; excavation, incineration and disposal of contaminated soil; extraction and treatment of landfill gas; landfill cover maintenance; institutional controls; and long-term monitoring. After remedial activities were completed, EPA removed the site from the National Priorities List in 1996. Operation and maintenance are ongoing.
Community members are encouraged to share information that may be helpful in the five-year review process. Community members who have questions or who would like to participate in a community interview, are asked to contact Yvette Pina by February 25, 2025.
The most current site information is only available online at the Sand Creek Indistrial Superfund Site webpage.