Data Entry Guidance and Technical Papers
Data Sharing Guidance for NPDES Deficiencies and Single Event Violations
This guidance explains how EPA Regions and states should select the best matching deficiency and single event violation (SEV) codes, how to record SEV Start Dates and End Dates, and when to share Reportable Noncompliance (RNC) data, which are used for the Significant Noncompliance (SNC) program management tool. EPA created the NPDES Single Event Violations Dashboard (ECHO Gov) to help EPA Regions and states review their SEV data and linkages to inspections and enforcement actions in ICIS-NPDES. EPA intends to provide training on how to properly share these data and how to use the above dashboard. Attending this training is important as EPA intends to inactivate deprecated SEV codes in ICIS-NPDES by December 2026. Authorized NPDES programs should contact the ICIS Team ([email protected]) if they need help with this transition.
- Transmittal Memo for Data Sharing Guidance for NPDES Deficiencies and Single Event Violations (pdf)
- Data Sharing Guidance for NPDES Deficiencies and Single Event Violations (pdf)
Data Entry Guidance for Select NPDES Data Elements
This memorandum provides guidance to authorized National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs regarding how they should manage data for unusual circumstances with permittees that may necessitate overriding system-generated compliance evaluations. This memorandum also provides guidance on how to identify and track changes to a permittee’s designation as a “major.” Use of this guidance will help provide greater nationally-consistent transparency to the public on non-compliance as we will be better able to correctly generate and show compliance evaluations for NPDES permittees.
Implementation Technical Paper No. 1 - Public Access to Non-Major DMR Data and Compliance Status
This paper describes how EPA’s NPDES data system (ICIS-NPDES) will handle DMR non-receipt violations for non-majors so that authorized NPDES programs will not need to spend much time addressing erroneous DMR non-receipt violations in ICIS-NPDES. The approach outlined in this paper provides authorized NPDES programs with sufficient time to share facility and permit data with ICIS-NPDES and to conduct outreach, training, and registration for NetDMR and other electronic reporting tools.
Implementation Technical Paper No. 2 - Data requirements for NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule Sewer Overflow, Bypass, POTW, and LTCP-specific Data Elements
This technical paper provides more detail for data elements specific to noncompliant sewer overflows, bypasses, and data specific to POTWs and LTCPs.
Implementation Technical Paper No. 3 - Data Elements for Tracking Electronic Reporting Progress and Other Phase 1 Data Elements
This paper support implementation of the final rule by providing further information for the data elements indentifies in the final rule (Appendix A to 40 CFR 127). In particular, this paper provides more information on the requirements, reference values, system requirements, and important dates for implementing data elements specific to tracking approved electronic reporting waivers and progress in transitioning to electronic reporting. This paper also summarizes details for other Phase 1 data elements. See Attachment 1 for a listing of the data elements discussed in this paper.
Implementation Technical Paper No. 4 - Data Sharing Guidance for NPDES Permit Coverage Status and Permit Date Data Elements
This paper provides data entry guidance to EPA Regions and states regarding how EPA and states can track the status of permit coverage from permit issuance to expiration.
Implementation Technical Paper No. 5 - Data Entry Guidance for Biosolids Data Elements
This paper supports implementation of the NPDES Electronic Reporting rule (Appendix A to 40 CFR 127). In particular, this paper provides further information for the biosolids data elements identified in this rule.
Implementation Technical Paper No. 6 - Data requirements for NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule CAFO-specific Data Elements
This paper supports implementation of the final rule by providing further information for the data elements identified in the final rule (Appendix A to 40 CFR part 127). In particular, this technical paper provides more detail on electronic formatting and submission of data elements required to be submitted through CAFO annual reports, compliance monitoring activities, and permit applications and Notices of Intent (NOI).
Implementation Technical Paper No. 7 Data Entry Guidance for Pretreatment Data Elements
- Implementation Technical Paper No. 7 Data Entry Guidance for Pretreatment Data Elements (pdf)
- Attachment to Technical Paper No. 7 - Template for Pretreatment Pollutant Concentration Data for Semi-Annual Compliance Monitoring Report (xlsx)
Implementation Technical Paper No. 8 - Data requirements for NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule CWA Section 316 Data Elements
This technical paper supports implementation of the final rule by providing further information for the data elements identified in the final rule (Appendix A to 40 CFR part 127). In particular, this technical paper provides more detail for data elements specific to Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316 that are already required to be submitted under NPDES regulations.
Implementation Technical Paper No. 9 - Data Entry Guidance for Stormwater Information
This paper supports implementation of the final rule by providing further information for the data elements identified in the final rule (Appendix A to 40 CFR part 127). This technical paper provides more detail on electronic formatting and submission of data elements required to be submitted through authorized NPDES program inspections and oversight, MS4 program compliance monitoring reports, NPDES permit applications, and NPDES general permit reports [e.g., Notices of Intent (NOIs)]. The first version of this technical paper was issued on October 23, 2018. This revised version incorporates recent changes to the NPDES eRule MS4 data elements (85 FR 20873; 15 April 2020). EPA used a separate notice and comment rulemaking to make the NPDES eRule MS4 data elements conform with the information collection and data sharing requirements found in the 2016 MS4 General Permit Remand Rule (81 FR 89320, 8 December 2016).