Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines
EPA initially promulgated the Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines and Standards (40 CFR Part 409) in 1974 and 1975, and amended the regulation in 1979. The regulation covers directA point source that discharges pollutants to waters of the United States, such as streams, lakes, or oceans. and indirectA facility that discharges pollutants to a publicly owned treatment works (municipal sewage treatment plant). dischargers. The Effluent Guidelines and Standards are incorporated into NPDES permits for direct dischargers, and permits or other control mechanisms for indirect dischargers (see Pretreatment Program).
On this page:
- What is the Sugar Processing Industry?
- Pollutants and Subcategories
- Report – Subpart F
- Rulemaking History
- Additional Information
What is the Sugar Processing Industry?
The industry comprises beet sugar extraction plants and cane sugar refining plants.
Sugar processing plants are included within the following North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) groups:
- 311313: Beet sugar refining
- 311314: Cane sugar manufacturing
The NAICS listing is provided as a guide and does not define the coverage of the Sugar Processing category. For precise definitions of coverage, see the applicability sections in 40 CFR Part 409.
Pollutants and Subcategories
Regulated Pollutants
Effluent limitations vary by subcategory. Some subcategories have zero discharge requirements.
- BOD5
- pH
- Fecal coliform
- Temperature
Regulation Subcategories
- Beet Sugar Processing
- Crystalline Cane Sugar Refining
- Liquid Cane Sugar Refining
- Louisiana Raw Cane Sugar Processing
- Florida and Texas Raw Cane Sugar Processing
- Hilo-Hamakua Coast of the Island of Hawaii Raw Cane Sugar Processing
- Hawaiian Raw Cane Sugar Processing
- Puerto Rican Raw Cane Sugar Processing
Report – Subpart F
Report on the Evaluation of Wastewater Discharges From Raw Cane Sugar Mills on the Hilo-Hamakua Coast of the Island of Hawaii (pdf)
EPA recommended that no changes be made to the existing effluent guidelines for Subpart F.
Rulemaking History
Supplemental Rulemaking
- Subpart F (BPT, BCT)
Initial Rulemaking
- Subparts D through H (BPT, BCT)
Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Interim final rule (pdf)
Development Document for Effluent Guidelines & Standards for the Raw Cane Sugar Processing Segment (pdf)
Describes industry processes, pollutants generated, available control & treatment technologies, the technical basis for the final rule, and costs of the rule
Development Document for Effluent Guidelines & Standards for the Raw Cane Sugar Processing Segment (pdf)
Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Interim final rule (pdf)
- Subparts B & C (BPT, BCT, NSPS, PSES, PSNS)
Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Final rule (pdf)
Development Document for Effluent Guidelines & Standards for the Cane Sugar Refining Segment (pdf)
Describes industry processes, pollutants generated, available control & treatment technologies, the technical basis for the final rule, and costs of the rule
Development Document for Effluent Guidelines & Standards for the Cane Sugar Refining Segment (pdf)
- Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Proposed rule (pdf)
Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Final rule (pdf)
Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Final rule (pdf)
Development Document for Effluent Guidelines & Standards for the Beet Sugar Processing Subcategory (pdf)
Describes industry processes, pollutants generated, available control & treatment technologies, the technical basis for the final rule, and costs of the rule
Development Document for Effluent Guidelines & Standards for the Beet Sugar Processing Subcategory (pdf)
- Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Proposed rule (pdf)
Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines - Final rule (pdf)
Additional Information
For additional information regarding Sugar Processing Effluent Guidelines, please contact Meghan Hessenauer ([email protected]) or 202-566-1040.