Past EJ IWG Initiatives
- 2000: Development of the Integrated Federal Interagency Environmental Justice Action Agenda, which identifies the federal initiatives and resources that were used to help an initial set of 15 environmentally and economically distressed communities.
- 2001: Evaluation of six of the 15 Action Agenda projects to determine the value of using partnerships to address environmental justice issues (See Evaluating the Use of Partnerships to Address Environmental Justice Issues).
- 2002: Publication of the Status Report on Environmental Justice Collaborative Model, which recounts the lessons learned and successful elements of the initial 15 Action Agenda projects. These projects helped define the Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Model now being used by EPA.
- 2003: Selection of 15 additional Revitalization Demonstration Projects to showcase collaborative partnerships among federal agencies and other stakeholders in the area of community revitalization and environmental justice.