South Florida Ecosystem Assessment: Phase I/II Everglades Stressor Interactions: Hydropatterns, Eutrophication, Habitat Alteration, and Mercury Contamination
The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Everglades Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (REMAP) is a long-term monitoring and assessment effort. Its goal is to provide scientific information needed for management decisions about the Everglades ecosystem and its restoration. REMAP is unique to the Everglades in combining several aspects of scientific study: a probability-based sampling design which permits quantitative statements across space about the condition of the Everglades; multi-media sampling (water, sediment, plants and mosquitofish); and spatial coverage that includes all of the freshwater Everglades.
Conditions at 700 Everglades marsh locations sampled by REMAP during 1995, 1996 and 1999 are presented below in a summary report (EPA 904-R-01-002), a detailed technical report (EPA 904-R-01-003), and appendices. Water quality conditions are discussed and include phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, carbon and mercury. Periphyton and plant data are presented.
- Summary Report (pdf)
- Technical Report (excluding Appendix D) (pdf)
- Final Technical Report - Phase I: Appendix D: Eastern Mosquitofish Studies (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 4, Everglades Agricultural Area, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 4, Everglades National Park, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 4, Water Conservation Area 1, 1x1 km Maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 4, Water Conservation Area 2, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 4, Water Conservation Area 3, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 5, Everglades Agricultural Area, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 5, Everglades National Park, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 5, Water Conservation Area 1, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 5, Water Conservation Area 2, 1x1 km maps (pdf)
- Appendix D: Maps - Cycle 5, Water Conservation Area 3, 1x1 km maps (pdf)