Documents on Restoring the St. Louis River AOC
Documents on the St. Louis River AOC.
- St. Louis River AOC Remedial Action Plan 2021 (pdf)
- St. Louis River Fish Tumors BUI Removals (pdf)
- St. Louis River Aesthetics BUI Removals (pdf)
- Eutrophication BUI Removal Package (pdf)
- St. Louis Area of Concern 2020 Remedial Action Plan (pdf)
St. Louis River Area of Concern: 2018 Remedial Action Plan (pdf) (3.8MB)
The St. Louis River Area of Concern Implementation Framework: Roadmap to Delisting(pdf) (1.8MB)
- WI DNR St. Louis River Fact Sheet (pdf), (2 pp, 2.3 MB) 2015
- Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat and PAHs: Implications for the Environment, Human Health, and Stormwater Management (pdf) (314KB)
- Coal-Tar-Based Pavement Sealcoat and PAHs: Implications for the Environment, Human Health, and Stormwater Management (pdf) (1.8MB)
- Lake Superior Basin Water Quality Management Plan Update (pdf) (2.8MB)
- Contamination of Stormwater Pond Sediments by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Minnesota Study (pdf) (2MB)