CPRG - Industry Sector Infographic
The industrial sector makes the goods and materials we use every day. Industry emits greenhouse gases (GHGs) when it burns fossil fuels, as by-products from manufacturing processes, and from use of GHGs in products or in equipment (e.g. certain refrigerants).
- Industrial emissions contributed 23% of U.S. GHG emissions in 2022.
- When electricity to power industrial activities is included, industrial emissions increase to 30% of all U.S. GHG emissions.
Please visit EPA's Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for more information.
View or download the English version CPRG Sector Infographic: Industry (pdf) or the Spanish version Gases de efecto invernadero de la industria (pdf) .
Ways to Reduce GHGs from Industrial Activities
Below are some examples of ways states, local governments, Tribes and territories can reduce GHG emissions from Industrial activities:
- New standards addressing GHG emissions from industrial facilities and energy production sectors.
- Programs to support or incentivize energy efficiency in industry.
- Programs to support or incentivize GHG reductions from industrial processes.
- Programs to develop, expand and support markets for low-embodied carbon products from manufacturing.
Benefits to the Public
- Reduced energy costs
- Reduced equipment wear
- Process improvements
- Reduced air and water pollution
- Attractive to potential customers and employees
- Improved economic resilience
About CPRG
Authorized under the Inflation Reduction Act, EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants program provides nearly $5 billion in grants for states, local governments, Tribes, and territories to develop and implement ambitious plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution and benefit low income and disadvantaged communities.
More Information
- Learn about Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and ways states, local governments, Tribes and territories can reduce greenhouse gas emissions in other sectors (en español: Programa de Subvenciones para la Reducción de la Contaminación Climática).