The drinking water I receive from a public water system has an unfamiliar odor and a slight discoloration. I am concerned that this is an indication of lead in my drinking water. What can I do to determine if lead is in my drinking water?
Answer: You cannot see, taste, or smell lead in drinking water. To determine if lead is in your drinking water, contact your local water supplier and ask for a copy of your Consumer Confidence Report. This report lists the levels of contaminants that have been detected in the water, including lead, and whether the system meets state and EPA drinking water standards. The most recent Consumer Confidence Report can be obtained from your drinking water utility, by visiting their website or contacting them for a copy. Some public water systems upload their Consumer Confidence Report to EPA’s website at: Alternatively, you can contact a state certified laboratory to have your drinking water tested for lead. Contact your state certification officer to get a list of certified laboratories in your state or to find state certification visit the EPA’s website at
Question (23002-32385)
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