West Lake Landfill Dashboard
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Welcome to the West Lake Landfill Dashboard! EPA designed this page to provide transparency into the Superfund process for the West Lake Landfill Superfund Site to ensure that community members, elected officials, and stakeholders can follow site progress on a simple, easy to use, and intuitive display.
The information provided on this Dashboard page is subject to change and is to be used as a general guide. The completion percentages shown on the Progress Dashboards are approximations, based on whether the individual components identified are complete (100%), in progress (50%), or not yet started (0%).
The Dashboard page currently provides updates for the Operable Unit 1 (OU-1) Remedial Design phase and the Operable Unit 3 (OU-3) Remedial Investigation phase. This page is still under development. Future updates will include information related to Operable Unit 2 (OU-2).
This page complements the Superfund Site Profile page, which contains site related documents and information.
Site Overview
The 200-acre site is located at 13570 St. Charles Rock Road in Bridgeton, Missouri. Active quarrying for limestone took place on-site from 1939 to 1985. Municipal waste landfilling operations began on-site during the 1950s. Some areas within the site were radiologically contaminated in 1973, when uranium ore processing residues (leached barium sulfate), mixed with soils, were brought to the landfill and used in typical landfilling operations. Material with radioactive contamination at the site, primarily from radium and thorium, is referred to as Radiologically Impacted Material, or RIM.
EPA proposed listing the site on the Superfund Program’s National Priorities List (NPL) in October 1989. EPA finalized the site’s listing on the NPL in August 1990. To manage the cleanup, EPA divided the site into three Operable Units (OUs).
Operable Unit 1 (OU-1)
OU-1 is defined as all radiologically contaminated areas of the site. EPA issued a Record of Decision (ROD) for OU-1 cleanup in May 2008 that required placing a landfill cover that was compliant with the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) over OU-1. EPA updated the selected remedy in a September 2018 ROD Amendment (RODA), which required a partial excavation of Radiologically Impacted Material, or RIM, at concentrations greater than 52.9 picocuries per gram (pCi/g); off-site disposal of the excavated RIM in a disposal facility permitted for radioactive waste; and an engineered UMTRCA cover over all RIM left on-site with concentrations greater than 7.9 pCi/g.
In May 2019, EPA entered into an agreement with the Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs), or Respondents, for OU-1 to perform the Remedial Design, which is currently underway. As part of the Remedial Design, the Respondents conducted a Design Investigation to collect additional data needed to design the remedy. The Design Investigation took place from September 2020 to September 2022, during which RIM was identified in the Closed Demolition Landfill and part of the Inactive Sanitary Landfill, areas that had previously been designated as OU-2, or the non-radiologically-impacted areas. These newly identified areas with RIM will be incorporated into OU-1 for Remedial Design purposes. The Design Investigation Evaluation Report documents the data collected during the Design Investigation and is available on the Site Profile page.
Remedial Design Investigation Interactive Map
DECEMBER 2024 UPDATE: West Lake Landfill Site Boundary – Updated to reflect Design Investigation work
FEBRUARY 2024 UPDATE: The Pending Results displayed below are part of additional field sampling to complete delineation of areas within the landfill boundary and perform verification sampling in advance of excavation. The field sampling plans associated with this work are available on the Site Profile page.
This interactive map of the West Lake Landfill Superfund Site identifies all the locations that have been sampled for radiologically impacted material, or RIM, prior to and during the Remedial Design for OU-1. Toggle the visibility of sampling locations by using the Layers box in the upper right corner of the map. Locations with RIM are indicated with blue squares. It is important to remember that multiple samples can be taken from a single location, and that sample locations with RIM outside of the site boundary are either at depth or covered. Open the map in a new window.
Progress Dashboard
- Under Revised Excavation Plan Deliverable
- CDL Excavation Plan - Updated to Work Underway
This progress dashboard provides an estimate of progress made and the associated steps within the Operable Unit 1 Remedial Design phase. The information provided on this Dashboard page is subject to change and is to be used as a general guide. Please note that the completion percentages are approximate. EPA assigns each task a value from not yet started (0%), work underway (50%), to complete (100%). It is important to remember that the percentages are approximate. Open the dashboard in a new window.
Operable Unit 2 (OU-2)
OU-2 is defined as landfilled areas of the site that are not impacted with Radiologically Impacted Material, or RIM, and originally included the Closed Demolition Landfill, Inactive Sanitary Landfill, and Bridgeton Landfill, which is comprised of the North Quarry and South Quarry. After completion of a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS), EPA selected the remedy for OU-2 in a July 2008 ROD. In October 2008, EPA entered into an agreement with the Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) for OU-2 to develop the Remedial Design for the selected remedy, but implementation of the Remedial Design phase of the OU-2 remedy was postponed until finalization of the OU-1 ROD Amendment (RODA). In early 2019, Bridgeton Landfill LLC resumed the Remedial Design process for the OU-2 remedy at the Inactive Sanitary Landfill.
Future updates will include additional information related to OU-2.
Operable Unit 3 (OU-3)
OU-3 includes groundwater beneath and migrating from the site. The Potentially Responsible Parties (PRPs) for OU-3 are conducting the Remedial Investigation (RI) for site-wide groundwater to identify and delineate any groundwater contamination associated with the site. The Remedial Investigation will determine whether a Feasibility Study (FS) to select a Remedial Action is necessary. The Remedial Investigation is being implemented according to the OU-3 RI/FS Work Plan, approved by EPA in October 2020.
Remedial Investigation Interactive Map
This interactive map of the West Lake Landfill Superfund Site displays the existing groundwater monitoring locations as well as the locations that have been installed as part of the OU-3 Remedial Investigation. Well installation activities are ongoing as of August 2024. Open the map in a new window.
Progress Dashboard
- Under Groundwater Sampling Activities Deliverable
- 2024Q3 – Updated to Work Complete
- 2024Q4 – Updated to Work Underway
- Under Interim Reporting Deliverable
- 2023 Annual Report – Updated to Work Complete
- 2024 Annual Report – Added as Work Underway
This progress dashboard provides an estimate of progress made and the associated steps within the Operable Unit 3 Remedial Investigation phase. The information provided on this Dashboard page is subject to change and is to be used as a general guide. Please note that the completion percentages are approximate. EPA assigns each task a value from not yet started (0%), work underway (50%), to complete (100%). It is important to remember that the percentages are approximate. Open the dashboard in a new window.