Historical Information on the NAAQS Review Process
EPA’s NAAQS review process and descriptions of it have evolved over time. Below are Agency documents regarding changes to the NAAQS review process in the past.
Written communication between the Agency and CASAC during the 2005-2008 activities to update the NAAQS process can be found at the following link: 2008 Correspondence with the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee.
Current Process
Overview of the EPA’s Process for Reviewing the NAAQS (pdf)
With particular attention to timeliness in the review process, in 2018, Administrator Pruitt issued a memo describing key aspects of the process, giving attention to a testing of streamlining steps in the then on-going ozone NAAQS review.
Recognizing the importance of scientific integrity and transparency, Administrator Lisa P. Jackson reexamined the NAAQS review process and modifications to the process made in the last administration. On May 21, 2009 Administrator Jackson called for key changes to the NAAQS review process, including reinstating a policy assessment document that contains staff analyses of the scientific bases for alternative policy options for consideration by senior Agency management prior to rulemaking. This Policy Assessment document serves to “bridge the gap” between the scientific information and the judgments required of the Administrator in determining whether it is appropriate to retain or revise the standards. In conjunction with this change, EPA will no longer issue a policy assessment in the form of an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR).
- Memo from EPA Administrator Jackson addressing revisit of NAAQS review process, May 21, 2009 (PDF) (5 pp, 287 K)
- Letter to the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee conveying May 21, 2009 memo from Administrator Jackson (PDF)(2 pp, 202 K)
In December 2005, the EPA Deputy Administrator requested that the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) and the Office of Research and Development (ORD) conduct a “top-to-bottom review” of the process the Agency uses in setting and reviewing NAAQS. Advice and recommendations were requested from current and former members of the CASAC and other stakeholder groups that had substantial experience with the NAAQS review process. On April 3, 2006, the working group issued a report outlining their conclusions and recommendations.
April 3, 2006, EPA working group report on the NAAQS review process
- Cover memo (PDF)(2 pp, 29 K)
- Executive Summary (PDF)(4 pp, 22 K)
- Report (PDF)(41 pp, 445 K)
- Attachments (PDF)(76 pp, 1 M)
June 2006 Public Workshop
EPA held a public workshop on June 27, 2006 to discuss the process the Agency uses to review the NAAQS. The workshop provided the public the opportunity to present their views on the review process and to discuss the process with EPA officials. This workshop did not cover issues related to the ongoing review of any specific air quality standard.
- List of speakers registered as of June 26, 2006 (PDF)(2 pp, 32 K)
- June 27 workshop: Overview presentation by Lydia Wegman, Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, and Kevin Teichman, Office of Research & Development (PDF)(9 pp, 169 K)
- June 12, 2006: Federal Register Notice of Public Workshop to discuss the NAAQS Process (PDF)(3 pp, 181 K)
Public Comments
EPA received the following public comments on the process the Agency uses to review the NAAQS. Note: Additional comments can be found in the Attachments to the April 3, 2006 EPA working group report on the NAAQS review process.
- Comments from the California Air Resources Board (PDF)(2 pp, 114 K, June 21, 2006)
- Comments from the Battery Council International (PDF)(3 pp, 134 K, July 12, 2006)
December 2006
EPA announced a revised process for reviewing and setting the Agency’s NAAQS. These changes were made to improve the efficiency of the NAAQS review process while ensuring that the Agency’s decisions are informed by the best available science in order to protect public health and the environment.
April 2007
EPA further modified the process for reviewing and setting the NAAQS to include review and advice from the CASAC on the second draft risk/exposure assessment reports, which will include estimated risks/exposures associated with potential alternative standards under consideration.
- Memo from EPA deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock outlining addition modifications to the new process (PDF)(2 pp, 149 K)
- December 2006 memo from deputy Administrator Marcus Peacock (Attachment 1) (PDF)(3 pp, 224 K)
- Revised Generic NAAQS Review Process (Attachment 2) (PDF)(1 pg, 33 K)
September 2008
EPA made additional changes to the NAAQS review process based on CASAC recommendations presented in a January 23, 2008 letter to the EPA Administrator.