EPA proposes partial delisting of South Minneapolis Residential Soil Contamination Superfund site
For Immediate Release: No. 19-OPA056
MINNEAPOLIS (Aug. 1, 2019) — U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to remove part of the South Minneapolis Residential Soil Contamination Superfund site in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from the National Priorities List (NPL). About 600 residential properties where cleanup has been completed would be delisted. A small number of residential properties will remain on the NPL until EPA completes the cleanup.
The NPL is a roster of the nation’s most contaminated sites that threaten human health or the environment. Sites on the list are eligible for cleanup under the Superfund program. EPA removes sites or parts of sites from the list once all the remedies are successfully implemented and no further cleanup is required to protect human health or the environment.
The site is near a former manufacturing plant where arsenic-based pesticides were made. Experts believe that during plant operations, the powder-like arsenic trioxide was blown into the surrounding neighborhoods and contaminated the soil. Arsenic contamination is no longer a threat to human health or the environment at the properties that have been cleaned up.
EPA’s 30-day public comment period on the proposed partial delisting begins July 31 and closes Aug. 30, 2019. The public may submit comments three ways:
- Online: https://www.federalregister.gov/d/2019-16192.
- Mail: Randolph Cano, EPA NPL Deletion Coordinator, 77 W. Jackson Blvd. (ST-6J), Chicago, IL 60604.
- Email: [email protected].
To learn more about this site: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/south-minneapolis-soil.