New York Times Continues Campaign Against Trump Administration
All the News That Fits the Agenda to Print
[] New York Times Continues Campaign Against Trump Administration All the News That Fits the Agenda to Print WASHINGTON (Jan. 14, 2020) - Today, The New York Times continued its march to irrelevance through extreme bias, launching an interactive hit list on the Trump Administration and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The frame of the piece is intended to negatively portray current EPA officials' private and public sector careers prior to joining the Administration. Furthermore, the Times refused to include any of the nearly 250 word response EPA provided to the publication as key information and context for the story. ;Please see below for the Agency's official response to the latest New York Times hit piece. Under the Trump Administration, the focus has been to employ staff who are best suited to implement the President’s agenda and fulfill the mission of EPA. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that this administration has brought on staff who have experience dealing with the Agency and were instrumental in improving environmental results throughout the country, after the previous administration’s focus on virtue signaling rather than implementing legal rules. EPA has hired 130 political appointees of all kinds of experience and seniority. Most of which continue to work at EPA although we have had some turnover similar to any Administration. We have focused our hiring on some of the very best in experience from the broad regulated community, state and federal government, and the NGO sector. For example, each of our regional administrators has substantial experience in government at either the state or federal level with many having served previously at state environmental agency directors. For example at headquarters, we have recruited some of the very best assistant administrators with years of experience in their fields bringing with them the ability to resolve long running issues at EPA. The example for all staff is set at the top as EPA has one of the most well versed and experienced in environmental policy Administrators in the agency’s history. As always, every EPA employee, career and political, receives ethics training and continually meets with ethics officials regarding any conflicts. |