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Displaying 6631 - 6645 of 6697 results
EPA awards $200K to support cleanup and redevelopment of vacant school property in Dinosaur, Colorado
Brownfields grant to remove environmental contaminants and enable development of a new community center
EPA News Release: EPA awards $200K to support cleanup and redevelopment of vacant school property in Dinosaur, Colorado
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EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
Brownfields grant to secure much-needed housing and office space
EPA News Release: EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
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EPA Announces the Selection of $6 Million In Funding for Brownfields Assessment Grants to Contaminated Properties in Maine
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of $6 Million In Funding for Brownfields Assessment Grants to Contaminated Properties in Maine
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EPA Announces that Woonsocket R.I. Selected for $300,000 Brownfields Assessment Grant
EPA News Release: EPA Announces that Woonsocket R.I. Selected for $300,000 Brownfields Assessment Grant
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City of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Selected for $500,000 EPA Brownfields Grant to Clean Up Wahkonsa Annex
EPA News Release: City of Fort Dodge, Iowa, Selected for $500,000 EPA Brownfields Grant to Clean Up Wahkonsa Annex
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EPA Announces $1.6 Million in Brownfield Grants for Dubuque, Fort Dodge, and Oskaloosa to Address Contaminated Properties in Iowa
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1.6 Million in Brownfield Grants for Dubuque, Fort Dodge, and Oskaloosa to Address Contaminated Properties in Iowa
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EPA announces the selection of $1.1 million in funding for Brownfields assessment grants to contaminated properties in Massachusetts
EPA News Release: EPA announces the selection of $1.1 million in funding for Brownfields assessment grants to contaminated properties in Massachusetts
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EPA Brownfields Funding Announced for Gloversville, New York
EPA News Release: EPA Brownfields Funding Announced for Gloversville, New York
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EPA announces the selection of $2.2 million in funding for Brownfields assessment grants to contaminated properties in Vermont
EPA News Release: EPA announces the selection of $2.2 million in funding for Brownfields assessment grants to contaminated properties in Vermont
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U.S. EPA announces $1.1 million in Brownfields grants to promote economic redevelopment in Los Angeles
Approximately $64.6 million to be awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA announces $1.1 million in Brownfields grants to promote economic redevelopment in Los Angeles
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Columbia to Receive Brownfield Grants to Address Contaminated Properties
EPA News Release: Columbia to Receive Brownfield Grants to Address Contaminated Properties
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Two Communities in South Carolina to Receive Brownfield Grants to Address Contaminated Properties
EPA News Release: Two Communities in South Carolina to Receive Brownfield Grants to Address Contaminated Properties
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EPA awards $300K to support assessment of housing units on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation (Mont.)
Brownfields grant to assess homes for potential contaminants prior to reuse
EPA News Release: EPA awards $300K to support assessment of housing units on the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation (Mont.)
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EPA awards Sweetgrass Development $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment in north-central Montana
Brownfields grant to spur economic redevelopment in the communities of Browning, Heart Butte, Cut Bank and Sunburst
EPA News Release: EPA awards Sweetgrass Development $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment in north-central Montana
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EPA awards Missoula County $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment
Brownfields grant to help assess and revitalize locations in Milltown, East Missoula, and Evaro
EPA News Release: EPA awards Missoula County $300K to support property cleanup and redevelopment
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