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Displaying 31 - 45 of 130 results
Statement from EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker: EPA opens additional Butte Superfund meetings for public observation in latest step to enhance transparency
Increased community engagement efforts include additional staffing, increased site visits, open meetings, and public engagement on science and cleanup topics
EPA News Release: Statement from EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker: EPA opens additional Butte Superfund meetings for public observation in latest step to enhance transparency
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Atlantic Richfield Company Agrees to $2.2 Million Cleanup at ACM Smelter and Refinery Superfund Site in Montana
EPA News Release: Atlantic Richfield Company Agrees to $2.2 Million Cleanup at ACM Smelter and Refinery Superfund Site in Montana
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EPA deletes portion of Anaconda Superfund site in Montana from National Priorities List
Cleanup milestone reflects Superfund progress in securing healthier communities
EPA News Release: EPA deletes portion of Anaconda Superfund site in Montana from National Priorities List
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EPA proposes beneficial use of Onsite Material at portion of the Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Superfund Site in Montana
Proposal ensures clean-up work protects human health and the environment; public meeting set for August 30
EPA News Release: EPA proposes beneficial use of Onsite Material at portion of the Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Superfund Site in Montana
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Statement from EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker on the Butte Priority Soils Superfund site
EPA News Release: Statement from EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker on the Butte Priority Soils Superfund site
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EPA Regional Administrator Statement on Montana Court Ruling in Favor of Youth and Their Constitutional Right to a Healthful Environment
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Statement on Montana Court Ruling in Favor of Youth and Their Constitutional Right to a Healthful Environment
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EPA offers Montana $248K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
Infrastructure funding available at no cost to small, financially distressed communities
EPA News Release: EPA offers Montana $248K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $565,000 for Montana to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law expanded the eligibility of WIIN funding to include remediating lead in water that children drink, in addition to testing and compliance monitoring
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $565,000 for Montana to reduce Lead in Schools and Childcare facilities through Investing in America Agenda
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Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
Agreement protects public health, safety, and the environment by requiring action to make future spills less likely
EPA News Release: Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
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EPA awards $150K to Butte Citizens Technical Environmental Committee to support Superfund activities
Funding will allow CTEC to develop website, increase technical support for cleanup decisions
EPA News Release: EPA awards $150K to Butte Citizens Technical Environmental Committee to support Superfund activities
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Butte’s Superfund Site in Focus: EPA leadership meets with key stakeholders to tackle Butte Superfund challenges
Stakeholders focus on improving community engagement
EPA News Release: Butte’s Superfund Site in Focus: EPA leadership meets with key stakeholders to tackle Butte Superfund challenges
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EPA releases proposed cleanup plan for Columbia Falls Aluminum Company Superfund site in Montana
Proposal advances cleanup of the site and allows for robust public engagement
EPA News Release: EPA releases proposed cleanup plan for Columbia Falls Aluminum Company Superfund site in Montana
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EPA awards $1M to clean up and revitalize properties in downtown Billings, Montana
Big Sky Economic Development Authority to use Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to address contamination, advance new development
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1M to clean up and revitalize properties in downtown Billings, Montana
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EPA awards $500K to clean up and revitalize properties in Kalispell, Columbia Falls and Whitefish, Montana
Montana West Economic Development Foundation to use Brownfields grant to address contamination and develop affordable housing across Flathead Valley
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500K to clean up and revitalize properties in Kalispell, Columbia Falls and Whitefish, Montana
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EPA awards $460K for cleanup and revitalization of properties in Stillwater, Carbon and Big Horn Counties and Northern Cheyenne and Crow Indian Reservations
Brownfields grant to address contamination, advance redevelopment in communities like Columbus, Lodge Grass and Red Lodge
EPA News Release: EPA awards $460K for cleanup and revitalization of properties in Stillwater, Carbon and Big Horn Counties and Northern Cheyenne and Crow Indian Reservations
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